Monday, January 26, 2004


TEMA : Indonesian Engineering Challenge's AFTA

Pusat Studi Jepang
Waktu: Selasa -Jumat / 17 Februari - 20 Februari 2004
Pukul 09.00 - 16.00 WIB


- Industri Teknologi Informasi
- Industri Telekomunikasi
- Industri Otomotif
- Industri Peralatan Berat
- Industri Pertambangan
- Industri Migas
- Infrastruktur
- Konsultan

· Company Presentation
· Company Exhibition
· Seminar
· Open Recruitment

Gedung Pasca Sarjana
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia
Kampus Baru UI-Depok 16424
Telp/Fax (021)78880766
[mega_career2004 at yahoo dot com]

Kampus Universitas Indonesia Depok

Jarnawi 081310626698
Naya 08561010816

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Kompas, Sunday, January 18th, 2004
(Code: DSM/K.018.010/A.PO/I/2004)
Albert Hasibuan and Partner


Requirements :
Ø Min Bachelor of law degree from a reputable university
Ø Qualified to practice Indonesia Law
Ø 3 concessive years of experience in a law
Ø Fluent English with excellent writing skills
Ø Posses highly profession integrity and ethics

If you would like to take the challenges:
1. Please APPLY online. Procedure online click:
2. The application deadline is
Sunday, February 3rd, 2004
24.00 (midnight) at the latest.

Monday, January 19, 2004


Rule Of Law - Project Officer and Project Assistant

The International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) provides professional advice and technical assistance in the promotion of democracy, rule of law, governance, and civil society.

IFES' office in Jakarta is seeking applications from suitable persons for the position of Rule of Law Project Officer and Project Assistant who will work under our Legal Policy Division.

These are immediate two-month positions with the possibility for extension of the working agreement.


Applicants for this position should have:

§ At least two years experience working with courts and bureaucrats
§ A high level of written and oral fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
§ Knowledge of Indonesian NGO Communities, Government Agencies and International Donor Agencies.
§ Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills.
§ A high level of self-motivation and ability to work independently within an energetic and busy team environment.
§ Degree in law; extensive knowledge in constitutional law is preferred

Scope of Work

Under the supervision of IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor, IFES-Indonesia Project Manager and IFES-Indonesia Legal Policy Coordinator, the Rule of Law Project Officer is responsible for the following:

§ Coordinate the planning, administration, development of materials and logistics for the workshop on election result dispute resolution, which include liaising with speakers and invitees and catering their needs in relation to the event.

§ Liaise with relevant Constitutional Court judges and staff regarding the preparation and holding of a workshop on election result dispute resolution.

§ Develop a report on the proceedings and conclusions of the aforementioned workshop.

§ Develop a report on the organization and administration of the aforementioned workshop.

§ Conduct relevant research as directed by IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor and recommend research topics in relation the function and powers of Indonesia's Constitutional Court.

§ Liaise with assigned researchers regarding development of research papers regarding the function and powers of Indonesia's Constitutional Court or as identified by the Court.

§ Coordinate and organize IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor's programme while s/he is in Indonesia.

§ Travel as necessary.

§ Supervise the Rule of Law Project Assistant.

§ Report on programmatic and administrative issues to IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor, IFES-Indonesia Project Manager and IFES-Indonesia Legal Policy Coordinator.

§ In the absence of the IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor and IFES-Indonesia Legal Policy Coordinator, undertake such of his/her roles and duties as directed by the Project Manager.

§ Undertake other tasks as directed by the IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor, IFES-Indonesia Project Manager and IFES-Indonesia Legal Policy Coordinator, as deemed appropriate.


Applicants for this position should have:

§ At least 2 years experience as project assistant.
§ A high level of written and oral fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
§ A high level of self-motivation and ability to work within an energetic and busy team environment.
§ Proven organizational skills and attention to detail.
§ Ability to organize time and manage diverse activities.
§ A degree in public administration, politics, social sciences, or a related field.

Scope of Work

§ Under the supervision of IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor, IFES-Indonesia Project Manager and the Rule of Law Project Officer, the Rule of Law Project Assistant is responsible for the following:

§ Assist the Rule of Law Project Officer in implementing his/her duties, including, but not limited to: arranging appointments, schedules, and meetings for the IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor, the Rule of Law Project Officer and other IFES-Indonesia staff; making travel arrangements; coordinating the planning, administration and logistics for IFES Rule of Law events and activities, coordinating printing and distribution of IFES Rule of Law reports and other publications, and maintaining written status reports on all Rule of Law Staff's activities.

§ Assist the IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor and Rule of Law Project Officer in the financial management of approved programs and activities to include development of budgets, accounting and financial reports.

§ Conduct the distribution of documents and reports, including maintenance of the inventory of such documents and reports, as directed by Project Manager, IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor and Rule of Law Project Officer.

§ Maintain files and prepare correspondence, documentation, and other related information in support of IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor and Rule of Law Project Officer's activities.

§ Provide assistance with development of project activities conducted by the IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor and Rule of Law Project Officer.

§ Travel as necessary.

§ Report as required to the IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor, IFES-Indonesia Project Manager and Rule of Law Project Officer.

§ Perform other duties as requested by the IFES Senior Rule of Law Advisor, IFES-Indonesia Project Manager and Rule of Law Project Officer.

If you are interested in applying for the position please submit your letter of application and detailed resume with recent photograph by January 23, 2004 to:

Ms Fitri Lubis

Office Manager
IFES Indonesia
7th Floor, Wisma Nugra Santana
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 7-8

Or by email to
[fitri at ifesindo dot com]

Thursday, January 08, 2004


Perusahaan kami sedang membutuhkan beberapa tenaga kerja untuk posisi :

1. Regulatory Affair Supervisor
Kualifikasi yang disyaratkan :
1. Wanita, belum menikah, usia 25-30 tahun
2. Pendidikan S-1 Farmasi
3. Suka menjalin interaksi sosial, komunikatif & teliti
4. Mempunyai kemampuan negosiasi dan menyukai aktivitas bekerja di luar
kantor (mengurus registrasi di POM)

2. Sales Promotion Executive
Kualifikasi yang disyaratkan :
1. Pria Belum menikah, usia maksimal 28 tahun
2. Pendidikan S-1 (semua jurusan)
3. Memiliki SIM A dan/atau SIM C, lebih diutamakan
4. Berpengalaman sebagai medical representative / salesman consumer goods
minimal 1 tahun
5. Mampu berkomunikasi dan melakukan negosiasi dengan baik
6. Menyukai pekerjaan lapangan dan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh

3. Staff Administrasi Personalia
Kualifikasi yang disyaratkan :
1. Pria/Wanita, belum menikah, usia 20-25 tahun
2. Pendidikan S-1 (semua jurusan), diutamakan mempunyai pengalaman kerja
minimal 1 tahun
3. Computer literacy
4. Teliti, tekun dan jujur

4. Staff Finance
Kualifikasi yang disyaratkan :
1. Pria/Wanita, belum menikah, usia 20-25 tahun
2. Pendidikan S-1 ekonomi, diutamakan telah mempunyai pengalaman kerja 1
3. Teliti, tekun dan dapat dipercaya

5. Legal Officer
Kualifikasi yang disyaratkan :
1. Pria/Wanita, belum menikah, usia 23-28 tahun
2. Pendidikan S-1 hukum (perdata)
3. Menguasai legal draft, corporate law
4. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan

Lamaran dikirim paling lambat tanggal 15 Januari 2004 ke :
HRD PT Bintang Toedjoe
Jl. Jend A Yani no 2 Pulomas Jakarta 13210

atau melalui email :
[recruitment at bintang7 dot com]
dengan mencantumkan posisi yang dilamar dalam 'subject'

Terima kasih,
Lely Setiowati
INDO karir EXPO 2004 bekerjasama dengan Event Organizer PT. Citra Promosindo (CPI) yang didukung oleh Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi RI, mengadakan acara INDO karir EXPO 2004. Acara ini merupakan pameran raya bursa kerja dan ajang rekruitmen SDM terbesar dan terlengkap. INDO karir EXPO 2004 diharapkan dapat menjadi katalisator antara angkatan kerja dengan perusahaan-perusahaan yang membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga berkualitas serta tenaga-tenaga profesional pilihan dengan biaya ekonomis dan waktu yang singkat, database SDM untuk kebutuhan saat ini dan yang akan datang, citra dan profil perusahaan anda di mata jutaan masyarakat Indonesia serta kesempatan
beraliansi dan bersinergi dengan perusahaan/peserta lainnya di pameran ini. Acara ini diselenggarakan tanggal 30-31 Januari 2004, pukul 10.00 - 19.00 WIB. Lokasi di Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jl. Pintu Satu Senayan, Jakarta. Pengunjung/pencari kerja adalah umum dan minimal lulusan dari D3.