PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk yang bergerak di bidang transmisi & distribusi gas bumi, membutuhkan
tenaga - tenaga profesional untul jabatan :
1. Staf Konstruksi: Sl Teknilk Sipil (KON)
2. Staf Enjiniring: S1 Teknik Mesin (ENG)
3. Staf Instirumentasi: S1 Teknik Eleltro Arus Lemah/ Teknik Industri (INS)
4. Staf Operasi: Sl Teknik Gas Petrokimia/ Teknik Kimia (OPS)
5. Staf Corporate Media: S1 Hubungan Masyaraka, Komunikasi/ Jurnalistik (CM)
6. Staf Akuntansi; SI Akuntansi, (AK)
7. Staf SDM:,Sll,Manajemen SDM/ Managemen Perusahaan (SDM)
8. Staf Pemasasaran: Sl Manajemen Pemasaran (PMS)
9. Staff Keuangan: Sl Managemen Keuangan (KEU)
10. Programmer: Sl Manajemen Informatika (PGM)
11. Staf Hukum: S1 Hukurn Perdata (HK)
12. Staf Teknik: D3 T. Mesin/ T Sipil / T. Kimia (TK)
13. Staf Administrasi D3 Ekonomi. Manajemenl Akuntansi/ Aktuaria/ pajak (ADM)
14. Staff Informasi : D3 manajemen informatika, Tek. Informatika/ Elektro Arus Lemah, Telekomunikasi (INF)
Persyaratan Umum:
Barsedia mengikuti tes Bahasa Inggris (TOEFL) dan Assesmen Psikologi di Jakarta
Berseda ditempatkan Diseluruh Wilayah RI
Usia,mak 27 tihun bagi Sl; 25 tahun bagi D3 pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2004
IPK mmurnal. 2,75 (skala 4)
Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara aktif, (lisan & tulisan)
Mampu mengoperesikan komputer. Mcrosoft Office
Untuk, no 1, 2, 3, 4,6, 7,9,10 dan 11 diutamakan pria
Tulis nomor dan kode jabatan yang dilamar di sudut kiri atas amplop. Kirimkan surat lamaran, curriculum vitae, legalisir fotocopy ijazah & transkrip nilai, foto kopi KTP/SIM, 1 lembar pasfoto 3 x 4 melalui pos atau diantar ke :
Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4, Jakarta 10430
Lamaran paling lambat tanggal 22 Oktober 2004 (cap pos ). Cantumkan alamat Anda secara lengkap dengan disertai kode pos , no. telp. rumah dan no.telp seluler (HP), jika ada. Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan dipanggil untuk tes Selama Proses seleksi pantia tidak melayani informasi langsung atau melalui telpon.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
We are rapidly growing law firm in Kuningan, Central Jakarta, providing high quality professional legal services to the domestic and international business community.
We are seeking polished and intelligent paralegals and lawyers for challenging analytical assignments.
Please submit your CV, transcript, current photograph and writing sample to the attention of Recruiting Partner at Dyah Ersita & Partners by e-mail at: [aprasetyo at]
We are seeking polished and intelligent paralegals and lawyers for challenging analytical assignments.
Please submit your CV, transcript, current photograph and writing sample to the attention of Recruiting Partner at Dyah Ersita & Partners by e-mail at: [aprasetyo at]
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Perusahaan Pembiayaan Kendaraan Bermotor yang sedang berkembang pesat membutuhkan tenaga - tenaga yang Handal, untuk ditempatkan di Kantor Pusat Jakarta dan Kantor Cabang Jabotabek.
Posisi / Jabatan
1. Staf HRD
2. Admint. Marketing
3. Admint. Kredit
4. Admint. Coll
5. Customer Service
6. Staf Accounting
7. Staf Finance
8. Admint. Legal
9. Receptionist
Kualifikasi / Persyaratan
a). Umur semua Posisi / Jabatan maks. 28 tahun
b). Jenis kelamin No. 1,2,3,4,6,7, 8 Pria / Wanita untuk No. 5 & 9 Wanita
c). Pendidikan No. 1, Manajemen, Akuntansi, Psikologi, Komputer
Pendidikan No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7 D III - S 1, Jur. Keuangan / Perbankan
Pendidikan No. 8 , S 1 Jur. Hukum Perdata / Perusahaan
Pendidikan No. 9, D 1, Public Relation / Sekretaris
d). Pengalaman dibidangnya masing - masing minimal 1 (satu) tahun
Kirimkan segera surat lamaran lengkap anda melalui pos dengan dilampiri daftar riwayat hidup, copy KTP, copy ijazah, pas foto terbaru 4 x 6 , 2 lembar dan lainnya ke :
Divisi HRD PO. BOX 6096 / JKGSN - Jakarta 12060
Atau Via E-mail ke :
[haryono at]
Dear all..
We are a nationwide shipping company located in Tanjung Priok, North
Jakarta. We have some position to be offered.
1. HR Staff
a. Female, age between 24 and 27 years old.
b. Associate Degree in any major.
c. At least 1 year experienced.
d. Advanced in Microsoft Office, especially word and excell.
2. Legal Officer
a. Both male and female, age between 25 and 30 years old.
b. Bachelor Degree in Law.
c. Overseas graduated is preffered.
d. At least 1 year experienced.
e. Advanced in english, both written and oral.
f. Good communication skill.
3. Accounting Supervisor
a. Male, age between 28 - 33 years old.
b. Bachelor degree in accounting.
c. At least 3 years experienced.
d. Good leadership skill.
e. Have knowledge in government tax.
One who interesting could contact us at PT. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas,
Tbk phone : 62214302388 ext 226 or email: [arya at].
We are a nationwide shipping company located in Tanjung Priok, North
Jakarta. We have some position to be offered.
1. HR Staff
a. Female, age between 24 and 27 years old.
b. Associate Degree in any major.
c. At least 1 year experienced.
d. Advanced in Microsoft Office, especially word and excell.
2. Legal Officer
a. Both male and female, age between 25 and 30 years old.
b. Bachelor Degree in Law.
c. Overseas graduated is preffered.
d. At least 1 year experienced.
e. Advanced in english, both written and oral.
f. Good communication skill.
3. Accounting Supervisor
a. Male, age between 28 - 33 years old.
b. Bachelor degree in accounting.
c. At least 3 years experienced.
d. Good leadership skill.
e. Have knowledge in government tax.
One who interesting could contact us at PT. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas,
Tbk phone : 62214302388 ext 226 or email: [arya at].
Dear all..
We are a nationwide shipping company located in Tanjung Priok, North
Jakarta. We have some position to be offered.
1. HR Staff
a. Female, age between 24 and 27 years old.
b. Associate Degree in any major.
c. At least 1 year experienced.
d. Advanced in Microsoft Office, especially word and excell.
2. Legal Officer
a. Both male and female, age between 25 and 30 years old.
b. Bachelor Degree in Law.
c. Overseas graduated is preffered.
d. At least 1 year experienced.
e. Advanced in english, both written and oral.
f. Good communication skill.
3. Accounting Supervisor
a. Male, age between 28 - 33 years old.
b. Bachelor degree in accounting.
c. At least 3 years experienced.
d. Good leadership skill.
e. Have knowledge in government tax.
One who interesting could contact us at PT. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas,
Tbk phone : 62214302388 ext 226 or email: [arya at].
We are a nationwide shipping company located in Tanjung Priok, North
Jakarta. We have some position to be offered.
1. HR Staff
a. Female, age between 24 and 27 years old.
b. Associate Degree in any major.
c. At least 1 year experienced.
d. Advanced in Microsoft Office, especially word and excell.
2. Legal Officer
a. Both male and female, age between 25 and 30 years old.
b. Bachelor Degree in Law.
c. Overseas graduated is preffered.
d. At least 1 year experienced.
e. Advanced in english, both written and oral.
f. Good communication skill.
3. Accounting Supervisor
a. Male, age between 28 - 33 years old.
b. Bachelor degree in accounting.
c. At least 3 years experienced.
d. Good leadership skill.
e. Have knowledge in government tax.
One who interesting could contact us at PT. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas,
Tbk phone : 62214302388 ext 226 or email: [arya at].
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